Thursday, July 9, 2015

Oronamin C - Taste & Review

Oronamin C(オロナミンC) is a carbonated energy drink sold by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company in Japan. The drink was first sold on February of 1965 and has been a long-seller ever since. The drink's slogan "元気ハツラツ(genki hatsuratsu)" which basically means "lively vigor" is also well known. The drink comes in a distinctive glass bottle which has not changed much since the drink was first sold. It also has a distinctive cap which can be removed by pulling the plastic lever connected to it.
The "C" in Oronamin C stands for the vitamin C that is inside the drink.
The drink is also sold in South Korea.

The drink contains 220mg of vitamin C, 2.4mg of vitamin B2, 4.9mg of vitamin B6, and 12mg of niacin.

The drink has a citrus candy-like taste much like that of PEZ. The fizz also makes the drink much more enjoyable than non-carbonated quasi-drug and pharmaceutical energy drinks.

Where to Buy
The drink is not classified as a "drug" and can be found in both convenience stores and drug stores.